IAW 2023

RELIGION BRIEF:: SENTINEL STAFF REPORTSThanksGVIN gathering on Tuesday, November 21, 20232

PRESS RELEASE (11/18/23): The Grand Valley Interfaith Network designated Nov. 15–21, 2023 as Interfaith Awareness Week in the Grand Valley.

This week-long observance culminates in the annual ThanksGVIN Interfaith gathering at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 2175 Broadway. Speakers from various religious traditions will present on the theme of “Loving and Learning.” The event will be live streamed at nativitygj.org and an American Sign Language interpretation will be available. A reception will follow the service.

GVIN has sponsored this annual celebration of many faiths for nearly 20 years at different locations throughout the valley.

“A beloved tradition of ThanksGVIN is to encourage support of one or more charities,” a news release said.

This year, donations will be given to local charity the Gift of Love, which provides care packages to the clients at Hilltop’s Latimer House, Fountains and Life Adjustment Programs, as well as Karis Teen Shelter (The House), Ariel Clinical Services for foster youth, Walnut Senior Apartments, Nelly Senior Apartments, Mesa Manor, Capella, Solstice of the Grand Valley, Monterey Park, and the Tiffany Apartments. [end of press release]


A couple of recordings and several links that commemorate IAW are now available, covering the municipal Proclamations in Fruita and Grand Junction, a radio interview, and a video of the Interfaith service and speakers. All the links can be found below:

  • Radio interview on KAFM with Dave Edwards and Rev. Wendy Jones – CLICK HERE
  • Grand Junction City Council Agenda with Proclamation scheduled – CLICK HERE. To read the Proclamation, CLICK HERE.
  • City of Fruita Agenda with Proclamation scheduled – CLICK HERE and follow links on their website page. To read the Fruita Proclamation, CLICK HERE.
  • Expand your religious awareness with GVIN’s IAW Tool Kit 2023. CLICK HERE to view/download the PDF (4 pages)
  • ThanksGVIN service “Loving & Learning” video (one hour) with music and speakers – CLICK HERE