IAW 2023

RELIGION BRIEF:: SENTINEL STAFF REPORTS – ThanksGVIN gathering on Tuesday, November 21, 20232 PRESS RELEASE (11/18/23): The Grand Valley Interfaith Network designated Nov. 15–21, 2023 as Interfaith Awareness Week in the Grand Valley. This week-long observance culminates in the annual ThanksGVIN Interfaith gathering at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 2175 Broadway.… Continue reading IAW 2023


A Prayer for Peace

This Prayer was provided by the One Spirit Learning Alliance (212-931-6840 | [email protected]) on October 9, 2023 “Together with so much of the world, we have watched with horror and heartbreak the explosion of violence and war in Israel and Gaza. This kind of slaughter only makes people feel justified in their hatred of each other… Continue reading A Prayer for Peace


Religious Freedom Conference 2023

Presented by Dave Edwards, President of Grand Valley Interfaith Network (GVIN) at the Religious Freedom Conference held at the CMU campus on Oct. 7, 2023 In the United States, we entered into a sacred compact, in 1776 and again in 1787. We created what Martin Luther King Jr later named our Beloved Community. Our founding… Continue reading Religious Freedom Conference 2023


Colorado’s history of sundown towns still lingers

“Not welcome to stop for gas or food”: Decades later, Colorado’s history of sundown towns still lingers Not that long ago, some communities in the state were intentionally all white and didn’t welcome people of color, either as travelers or residents Gary Jackson, 77, stands with a 1948 family picture at his Denver home on… Continue reading Colorado’s history of sundown towns still lingers

The court decision that changed homelessness

This is a simple explanation of the Martin vs. Boise Ruling on cruel and unusual punishment towards the homeless regarding sleeping when no other shelter is available. Credit Rachel M. Cohen for this information excerpted from her article: “The little-noticed court decision that changed homelessness in America.“ Five years ago, a federal court issued a crucial… Continue reading The court decision that changed homelessness

Fall Food Drive 2023

GVIN’s annual autumn food drive is happening on Saturday, October 14, 2023 between 9:00a and 11:30a at the Downtown Vineyard Church parking lot (corner of 5th and Grand) in Grand Junction. If you would like to donate food items to this much needed cause – some of the items or all of the items (your… Continue reading Fall Food Drive 2023


Inclusivity in Grand Junction, CO

A video about Inclusivity in Grand Junction – March 10, 2020 The 2020 video (link below – approx. 11 minutes) was shown at a February gathering of religious leaders and congregants in Grand Junction. It was followed by small group discussions related to diversity, racism, inclusion, and similar topics. The event brought many people closer together.… Continue reading Inclusivity in Grand Junction, CO

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